Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Ashely getting a REALLY close look at the animals:-)

Looking up at the camel.

Jake coming down the slide.

Ashley and I coming down the slide together.

They had a little hay ride for toddlers.

Yesterday we made our annual visit to Pumpkinville. When I think of going to a pumkin patch, I think of cool weather, cool breeze.....well...not so much. It was 82 degrees and a little hot. It just doesn't seem right going to get a pumpkin in shorts and flip-flops! Pumkinville is a working farm year round turned into Halloween fun this time of year. There are a ton of things for kids to do. Jake always looks forward to going every year. We started off visiting the animals. I knew this was going to be Ashley's favorite. She was BEYOND excited about them. She was cracking us up with her squeals of delight! I really wish I had brought the video camera. Jake's favorite part is the huge slides. It was a fun family outing!

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