Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ashley's Birthday Party

I asked Ashley where her tongue was. This is what she did!

This is what Ashley does when her baby empathetic, huh?

Singing Happy Birthday.

Ashley was WAY too busy to pose for a picture with her brother.

.....and here goes the cake.

We had Ashley's birthday party tonight with our awesome neighbors. We are truly blessed to have such great neighbors (and friends) who have supported us and given us so much encouragement throughout Ashley's adoption. I really wanted them to be a part of her 1st year birthday celebration. Ashley is truly loved by all of them! One day I will be able to take out her birthday pictures (thanks to Cheryl who took them for me) and tell her all about the people we lived next to who prayed for her and loved her so much!

On a side note, this was my first attempt at making a fondant cake. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. It was really fun planning for Ashley's birthday. I LOVE pink and brown, therefore I made that her "theme" for the party....along with her monogram. Hope you enjoy the pictures of our sweet girl!

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