Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Couple Pics of the Kids

Here are a couple pics of the kids. I love the one of Ashley hugging Jake. She is always hugging him. She's so affectionate. She loves to go around and give everyone kisses, knucks, high fives, whatever. It is so cute. I promise that her clothes usually match. It seems like the pictures I choose to put up are after nap time and she has her "comfy" pants on, and if we aren't going anywhere, then her jeans or matching pants never make it back on. Actually, she is the happiest in a onsie and nothing else. She LOVES to have very little on.

The other pictures of her are typcial Ashley right now. She only wants her food whole. She doesn't want me to cut anything or hold anything either. I remember Jake going through that phase. She never chokes either believe it or not....she only takes little bites which cracks me up. She is going through an independent streak. She even grabs things to her chest and says "my" for "mine." Nice. Nobody had to teach her that one! Her favorite thing to do is walk around with something to eat. I know it is a terrible habit but sometimes when I don't know what else is going to make her happy (and it's time to make dinner or help Jake with homework)....I know food will!!!! At that point I don't care about crumbs...Milo helps me with that:-)
Jake is an awesome brother!
Love her scrunched up nose!

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