Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our Lake Trip

Jake the maniac.....he LOVES to jet ski! He was going anywhere from 60-80 mph with people on the back....yep we were holding on for dear life!

The ducks are so tame and love to jump up on the dock to get fed.

My parents had a pool on the dock (courtesy my cousin Angie) and it worked out great!

Sweet girl!

Ashley and her crazy self....dipping her hair in the water. She has NO FEAR of water really....we had to watch her like a hawk!

The kids in the big tube in the lake.

Lovin it!

Feeding the catfish.

One of Jake's most favorite places on Earth....Mimi's lake!

Kim pushing her little boy Charlie....we started the week with one swing on the dock and my dad went and got two more. There were way too many grand-kids and not enough swings to entertain!

Ashley helping Mimi water the plants out front.

Ashley and her cousin Finn. (David and Urshie's little boy.) She got a big kick out of him. They would crawl around (belly crawl) and chase each other. It was so cute. I really wish I would have video taped it.

The WHOLE family! My mom was in tears having us all together at her house!

Sweet pea Finn in the pool.

My dad holding Charlie.

Kim in the pool with her two other boys, the identical ones. Matthew in the front and David in the back.

How I found Ashley one day after her nap. Her bed was right beside my dad's hat rack:-)
We went to my parents house on Lake of the Ozarks the end of July for about 10 days and the kids had a blast!!! My sister was down there too with her family and towards the end of the week my brother and his family came. So....at times there were 8 adults and 6 kids....4 of which were under a year. It was crazy to say the least, but we did have some fun times together. It was so fun to be with my nephews since I hardly ever get to see them. Time goes by so fast and they have grown so much already. I loved watching Jake and Ashley interact with their baby cousins. It was so cute.

July 4th

These are a few pictures from July 4th. Our subdivision has a kid's parade where the kids decorate their bikes and a fire truck leads them through the subdivision. Then the kids get a chance to view the fire truck at the end. It was really cool....Jake really liked the parade. I thought it was a really cute idea! The only downside was....it was about 100 degrees.....as you can see, the kids were pretty much done by the last picture!

Move In Day!

Here are a few pics from June 14th, the day we moved into our new house.

Mount Vernon

George Washington's tomb. Martha Washington's tomb is at his left.

The tomb honoring the 300+ slaves that worked on the Washington plantation and died there.

The place of his original tomb. He had it written in his will to one day bury him and his family more properly...thus his current tomb.  I thought that was interesting.

Walking from his house to the edge of his property overlooking the Potomac River.

George and Martha Washington's house.

Jake sitting on the wall overlooking the Potomac River. It was so pretty!

Here are a few pictures from our Mount Vernon Trip right before we moved. I loved it! It was one of my favorite places to visit in D.C......good thing we could fit it in right before we moved.....not like we hadn't lived there for 11 years or anything!