Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ashley's New Tricks

Ashley has all of a sudden realized she loves to climb. Bob and I were talking today and we looked over at her and realized she was sitting on the dining room table smiling away at us!!! I then caught her later trying to climb on the kitchen table......and here she is in the act......she is SO different from Jake!!!!! In one day she got my makeup all over herself and the floor, found Jake's paint and painted herself, unloaded the pantry, fed Milo treats, walked around with an open Rice Krispy treat she found, and ripped all the computer paper......seriously....she is exhausting!

Valentine's Doors

Here is an idea I stole from my neighbor. I saw that she decorated her kids' doors last year and I loved that idea so I did it this year for Jake and Ashley. Jake loved it and Ashley pointed to it first thing in the morning when I laid her down to change her diaper. It was a hit! Thanks Cheryl!

Pics of the Kids

Ashley loves books. She recently went through a spell where she wouldn't sit down at all, even if looking at her favorite book, so I was a little worried. She is back to loving her books though, especially if her "Bubba" reads it to her! She gets a book, hands it to you, and then turns around and backs up until she is in your lap. It's so cute!

The other two pictures are of Ashley playing with a calculator...which she turns into a phone. I gave it to Jake and told him to entertain her so that I could do the dishes....and entertain it did!