Friday, November 26, 2010


How do girls instinctively know how to hold a purse? I've never shown her!

We had a sweatpants kind of Thanksgiving. It was just the kids and I. Bob was out of town, and so Jake and I had fondue, watched a movie and had a sleep-over in my bed....his favorite. We had started decorating for Christmas the day before and did more of it on Thanksgiving. As you can see, our tree is only 1/2 decorated. After ONE day of redirecting Ashley away from the tree and her throwing/shattering two balls thinking they were real was time to move the decorations up before I pulled my hair out. There is one picture from a few days ago, but the rest are from Thanksgiving, including the cute video of Ashley's belly laugh:-)

Video of Ashley Walking

Ashley is walking a little more everyday. This video was taken about 5 days ago. She is one crazy baby. She has to go one hundred miles an hour about everything. She is something else. There isn't a calm bone in her body. The only time she is still is when she is fast asleep. She is busier than ANY boy I've ever seen. It is exhausting! On another note, I finally figured out how to rotate the videos so hopefully you won't be viewing anymore sideways:-)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Few Recent Pics

Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything. I was in California seeing David and Urshie and my new nephew Finn....who is a doll by the way. I got my fill of that awesome newborn smell:-) Since I've been back we have been sick with every germ on the that's why there have been no posts!

 This is a picture of Ashley a couple weeks ago before church in an adorable outfit from Grandma Mar, and then the other is a video of Ashley pushing around her shopping cart with her baby in it. I just now realized that the video is sideways. Have a mentioned I hate my camera. It only uploads correctly if I just point and shoot. I can't move the camera different angles or this is what happens! Ugh. Hope you don't get a crick in your neck looking at it. I can't figure out how to fix it. Since this video she has started taking steps and will walk, as long as she isn't in a hurry. When she's in a big rush, she just drops to her knees and takes off crawling. She's walking fairly good though.  I will try to tape that soon.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Recent Pictures of My Sweet Nephew Finn

Here are a couple one month pictures of Finn. We had a scare with him at birth as well, that he had cranial issues as many of you know. He had a few specialists look at him and they said he is fine, as you can see:-) My family has been praying up a storm for all these babies in our family! He is so cute!!!! I am actually going out to LA next Thursday to see him...and David and Urshie too of course.

My Three Nephews Are Here!

This is David, one of the identical twins.

This is Matthew, the other identical twin.

This is Charles. Kim said he does look different than the other two. He is the only one with dark hair.
My sister had her babies yesterday, November 3rd at around 2:45AM. Even though she had a C-section, she is hoping to leave the hospital tomorrow because she isn't getting any rest. Since the babies were only 30 weeks old, they will be in the NICU for quite awhile. They all have aready lost their intubation tubes which is great, but today started having typical preemie problems, like keeping their blood pressure up etc. Here is a picture of each of them, although you can't see much because they are so hooked up and they have the black blinders on so that they don't get eye damage. We are still in prayer that they will hang in there and grow quickly so that they can come home!